Start your own SOLAR energy journey

Is now the time to get Solar PV?

With ENERGY PRICES finally dropping (a little) and now staying a bit more stable you may be hesitant to invest. But, with the right approach by a contractor who takes the time to understand your electrical installation, your current energy usage and your possible future needs, you can start to achieve some independence from the grid. This can go some way to protect yourself from what happens in the energy market in the future and mostly importantly, live a greener life by generating your own renewable energy!

Going green - Solar PV & battery benefits;

- Environmentally friendly renewable energy you generate!

- Reduction in electricity bills & visual monitoring control

- Relatively quick installation with low maintenance costs

- Technology is getting better and costs are coming down

Is it a good investment, will you see a return, will it save the planet? There are loads of websites and guides to help inform your decision, take a look at the MONEY SAVING EXPERT (this is also good as it looks at why you SHOULDN’T - i.e. lack of space or north facing roof ) and the ENERGY SAVING TRUST websites.

Its not just a financial decision for us at Orio Electrical Services, we focus on the green credentials of using Solar PV plus the control and security it gives you for many years to come.

Your own energy system may be as simple as a few solar PV modules. They may be a coupled with a home storage battery or it may include changes to the way you use electricity such as energy diverters for hot water and your electric vehicle, or it may be smart switches to get your appliances running when you are generating solar electricity! With 0% VAT on SOLAR PV and STORGAE BATTERIES at the moment now might very well be the time!

Please get in touch. we would love to work together, starting by having a chat and seeing if we can create a system that is great for you!


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